
Initially I will be fundraising for Doctors of the World UK/ Medecins du Monde.

A humanitarian aid organisation, which provides medical care to vulnerable populations who are victims of famine, disease, disasters and war.

Projects take place in developed and developing countries and the charity is active in over 65 countries.

If you are viewing this page it is likely you are one of the forntunate few who have access to one of the best public health systems in the world, please consider those without this luxury.

Money donated could:
  • £8 equals 1 treatment for a person infected by malaria
  • £24 could guarantee care for a displaced person living in a refugee camp
  • £60 could pay for a "Smarter than AIDS" kit to protect dozens of teenage street sex workers in Burma
What Doctors of the World does:
part of an international humanitarian aid network established in 1980
whose volunteer doctors, nurses, midwives, surgeons, psychologists, logisticians, administrators and human rights lawyers provide care to vulnerable populations worldwide.

What the overseas projects are:
Some projects are “emergency response” or “post-emergency rehabilitation” because people are victims of conflict or of natural disasters. The majority of the work is about developing long-term healthcare projects with local healthcare staff by training them in transferable skills, working on HIV/AIDS prevention programmes, creating healthcare initiatives for street children, or setting up new healthcare clinics in remote areas for indigenous people.
: 185 projects in 64 countries helping people who cannot access healthcare.

I also hope to include two Nepal base charities that I have worked with previously;

NLT, Nepal leprosy trust. An agency that helps people affected by leprosy, a much forgotten disease that still afflicts, isolates and stigmatises populations today.

Moving Mountains Trust - Nepal, An organisation that promotes sustainable community development.